Aged Care

Maintaining independence is one of the most important priorities for people as they age. NHCH provides The Hunter with personal and passionate home health care.


For further information on how Newcastle and Hunter Community Health can help you maintain independence and remain safely in your own home, call us today.

Maintaining independence

While continuing to live at home is manageable, there can come a time when a little help can go a long way towards maintaining independence and safety.

The Newcastle and Hunter Community Health team are here to help you manage your day-to-day activities. This can include simple tasks such as transport to appointments or activities, and home maintenance. Additional assistance for personal care and nursing services can also be arranged.

You may only need assistance on a short-term basis, such after a hospital stay, to help you get back on your feet. Or, over time, the level of support needed to stay living at home may gradually increase. Whatever your needs, we are here to help.

The Newcastle and Hunter Community Health home care plans are tailored to ensure optimum support that puts your needs first. We understand that maintaining independence is one of the most important priorities for people as they age.

With our range of home health care services and domestic support, we can ensure your desire to keep living independently is realised.

The services on offer are provided by our professional health team, on your own terms and in a way that meets your goals. This includes the addition of support from your General Practitioner under a GP Management Plan and our Team Care Arrangements.

To learn more about our home care services and how you can start a plan with us, download the information booklet below and/or enquire today.

Home Care Package funding is available from the Australian Government to help provide the services you need to remain living in your own home. It can be difficult to know where to begin, but we can help you unpack the process and start your journey towards supported independence.


Eligibility for a Home Care Package is based on your care needs as determined through a face-to-face assessment, but you must also be aged 65 years and over (50 years for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people).

My Aged Care

To arrange a referral for an aged care assessment, visit My Aged Care or phone the contact centre on 1800 200 422. You will need to answer questions about current needs and circumstances.

Regional Assessment Service

Once a referral has been deemed appropriate, the My Aged Care contact centre will arrange for the Regional Assessment Service to book a free face-to-face assessment in your home. It is a good idea to have a family member, friend or carer attend as support.

Consumer directed care

The Regional Assessment Service will work with you to develop a personalised home support plan tailored directly to your needs. Assessors send a ‘referral for service’ to appropriate providers, such as Newcastle and Hunter Community Health, to let them know you are a new client and would like to engage their services. The provider will contact you to make further arrangements.

Alternatively, if you would like to visit or speak to a service provide to decide if they are the right fit for you, a ‘referral code’ can be sent which allows them to view your client record. The provider will review your identified needs and determine how they can assist. You then make the final decision on whether or not to engage their services.

In the event there are no services available at the time, you will be placed on a wait-list with those who have the highest level of need offered services first. Once your provider arrangements are in place, you will start receiving the assistance you need to ensure you maintain your independence.