Disability Service
We provide dedicated Registered Nurses and Support Workers under the NDIS to offer disability services, including personal care, support and domestic care, in Newcastle, the Hunter Regions, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens, and the Upper Central Coast and surrounding regions.
Get professional care for yourself and your loved ones from one of NSW’s top NDIS providers
As a registered NDIS provider, NHCH is committed to helping you lead a normal life by ensuring consistent and top-quality care for your personal and daily needs.
It can be challenging for people with disabilities to perform various routine tasks. We’re here to help. Our Support Workers work with you to provide the best care to help you maintain your lifestyle and achieve life goals.
Core Supports
- Assistance with daily self-care
- Assistance to access community
- Support developing independent living skills
- Developmental life skills
- Life-stage transition assistance
- Budgeting and financial skills
Capacity Building
- Travel training
- Financial skills development
- Daily planning assistance
- Support attending medical appointments
- Shopping and budgeting support
- Meal planning and preparation
Personal Activities
- Household tasks
- Travel and transport
- Community nursing care
- Support co-ordination
- Respite services
- Community and social activities
Coordination of Supports
- Assess the different support services on offer and review what will work best for you
- Guide you through what supports are funded in your NDIS plan and how we can coordinate them together
- Plan management – advise you of your linked in supports and breakdown of funds available
- Help you link with the specific supports that are funded in your plan (clinical, housing, medical, vocational)
Comprehensive Disability Care Services
Newcastle and Hunter Community Health (NHCH) is registered to provide a range of NDIS disability support services, including:
- Assist Prod-Pers Care/Safety
- Assist-Personal Activities
- Assist-Travel/Transport
- Assisting with shopping
- Assistance with daily self-care
- Assistance In Home Meal Preparations
- Assistance Domestic Task
- Community Nursing Care
- Daily Tasks/Shared Living
- Respite Care
- In Developmental life skills
- Assist Personal Activities High
- Complex Bowel Care
- Enteral (Naso-Gastric Tube – Jejunum or Duodenum) Feeding and Management
- Tracheostomy Management
- Subcutaneous Injections
- Complex Wound Management
- Severe Dysphagia Management
- Supporting participants with day-to-day management of medication
- Disposal of waste, infectious or hazardous substances
Ensure a smooth transition from
school to independent living with our disability service
Shifting from school life to independent living can be challenging for a person with a disability. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition for you and your loved ones with our dedicated disability support services.
Newcastle and Hunter Community Health offers a comprehensive suite of disability services, helping you prepare for this next phase of life, from choosing the right career or signing up for tertiary education to leading a more independent life.
Pathway Options
A breakdown of further education and training.
Employment Support
Including how to budget your finances.
Setting Goals
Help with establishing your goals.
Well-being Support
Support before, during and after you transition.