Aged Care Travel/Transport Services

NHCH provides aged care transport assistant services in Hunter and Newcastle. If you or a loved one needs aged care support services, you can contact our friendly team.


For further information on how Newcastle and Hunter Community Health can help you maintain independence and remain safely in your own home, call us today.

What does Aged Care Travel/Transport include?

At Core Assist, we offer high-quality aged care support, including assistance with travel and transport for elderly people. This covers support for various kinds of essential transport needs for people who are old and do not have regular family support. Our services cover your various basic needs while ensuring your independence, safety and well-being.

For older adults who cannot independently drive or take public vehicles when going to work, visiting family or attending medical appointments, we can provide transport and escort services, including assisted taxis, ensuring you can travel safely.

Even when old, you may need to get out for various reasons, whether to attend a social gathering or event, do your weekly shopping, or go to a doctor’s appointment. Without help, you may not feel confident or safe. If this is the case, your My Aged Care package may cover support depending on your eligibility. The service may be offered as a part of your care package or as a standalone service, depending on your needs.

At NHCH, we offer travel and transport support for the elderly that is tailored to their preferences and requirements. If you’re looking for assistance with transport, contact us today!

Aged Care Transport Services in Hunter and Newcastle

NHCH is an approved My Aged Care provider. So, we help older people get the most out of their aged care packages and offer a range of high-quality care and support services, including assistance with travel and transport.

Here’s what we can help with:

Basic transport – arranging a suitable vehicle to take you to social gatherings and events and to visit family and friends.

Appointments – help you attend planned and emergency medical appointments

Run Errands – Take you on shopping trips and running basic errands

Community Gatherings  – Transport to attend social outings and meetings

Vehicles – Ensuring the vehicles provided are tailored to your needs and situation

We believe that each person’s transportation requirements are unique. So, we offer tailored support for older citizens, ensuring your comfort and safety.

Why Choose Us?

NHCH is an approved aged care provider you contact for emergency or regular community access support for the elderly in the Newcastle and Hunter regions.

We can connect you with the right person and community programs and events within your local community based on your particular needs and preferences.

NHCH works with an in-house team of skilled and compassionate caregivers providing all kinds of personal and community support to Consumers.

We stand out for our commitment to service and top-quality care that allows hundreds of individuals and organisations across the Hunter to trust us for their Aged Care needs.

We work with you and your loved ones to understand your specific needs and situation and provide tailored services to help improve your confidence and quality of life.

Why Choose NHCH for Aged Care Travel Assistance?

We stand out for our top-quality transportation support services for senior adults that focus on your comfort, convenience and safety at all times. Our services are backed by a committed and compassionate team here to help you every step of the way.

Qualified Service Providers

As an approved Aged Care provider, we employ highly skilled and caring professionals who share our passion for assisting the elderly community.

Affordable and Accessible

We believe high-quality support should be accessible and affordable for all. So, we provide tailored assistance with your needs in mind.


We value your time and safety and ensure you receive the best possible assistance when and how you need it.

Personalised Care

We take the time to understand your needs, and tailor our services to match your requirements and preferences.

Core Values

Our commitment to quality, service, honesty, kindness, and respect makes us the best care provider in Hunter.

Consumer directed care

The Regional Assessment Service will work with you to develop a personalised home support plan tailored directly to your needs. Assessors send a ‘referral for service’ to appropriate providers, such as Newcastle and Hunter Community Health, to let them know you are a new client and would like to engage their services. The provider will contact you to make further arrangements.

Alternatively, if you would like to visit or speak to a service provide to decide if they are the right fit for you, a ‘referral code’ can be sent which allows them to view your client record. The provider will review your identified needs and determine how they can assist. You then make the final decision on whether or not to engage their services.

If you’re seeking funding under the My Aged Care plan or already have a care package, we can assist you to get the most out of your plan and access affordable care services.