NDIS Medication Management Support by NHCH

NHCH is a registered provider that offers expert support to participants with the day-to-day management of their medication needs. Contact us to find the right help.


For further information on how Newcastle and Hunter Community Health can help you maintain independence and remain safely in your own home, call us today.

Supporting participants with day-to-day management of medication

Under the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme), participants are provided funding for support with the administration, monitoring and management of medication. As a registered NDIS provider, we have trained nurses and support staff to deliver in-home nursing care to participants with their medical needs covered under the scheme.

What is Medication Management?

Many people with disabilities may need regular help with the administration and management of medications, including assistance to take medications on time and help to find tablets or take them out of packets. For such support, NDIS has provisions for funding for eligible participants.

Who may need it?

NDIS participants who have been advised prescription or non-prescription medications to prevent, treat or cure diseases and need support with medication management can apply for funding under the scheme.

Medication Management Support Under the NDIS

If you’re wondering whether your Medication Management support needs are funded by the NDIS or how a trained worker can help you, contact us today.

Medication Management is covered under the “Provision of Supports Environment” of the NDIS Practice Standards, ensuring that participants have access to support from qualified providers who can expertly administer, store and manage medications while ensuring there are no errors and incidents.

NHCH has workers who can help you effectively manage your medication needs, including reminders to take medications on time, help with the administration of medications, management of high-risk drugs, complex medication assistance, creating a medication plan with the help of your doctor, and monitoring side effects, among others.

How Can We Help?

NHCH is an experienced and registered NDIS provider with a dedicated team of trained nurses and support workers ready to assist you with your needs at home or in a care facility.

Our workers have been trained to competently manage various medications for participants who require them. Our expert carers can help with–

  • Selecting and ordering medications according to your doctor’s prescription.
  • Administering medications orally or any other way as advised by the doctor.
  • Maintaining a record of medications along with their schedule.
  • Safely storing medications and disposing of bad/expired ones.
  • Monitoring, reviewing and evaluating the use of medications as required.
  • Sending reminders to participants to take medication at the right time.
  • Taking tablets out of storage and their packets and handing them to the patient.
  • Administering injections (like insulin) at home.
  • Keeping track of medication supply and ordering from the pharmacy.
  • Advising on potential side effects of medications and ways to deal with them.

Why Choose Us?

Expert Support

Our team comprises highly trained and experienced caregivers delivering safe and effective personal care with a commitment to quality.

Free Consultation

You can contact us for an obligation-free consultation in your home for us to understand your needs and provide a tailored solution.

Comprehensive Care

We can assist with all activities in your daily life, from personal hygiene and meal preparation to medical support.

Caring & Safe

We prioritise your comfort and safety at all times, ensuring that our support meets your needs without compromising your safety.

Trusted & Experienced

With a strong reputation for care-driven services, we are one of the top providers of high-intensity personal assist services.

Consumer directed care

The Regional Assessment Service will work with you to develop a personalised home support plan tailored directly to your needs. Assessors send a ‘referral for service’ to appropriate providers, such as Newcastle and Hunter Community Health, to let them know you are a new client and would like to engage their services. The provider will contact you to make further arrangements.

Alternatively, if you would like to visit or speak to a service provide to decide if they are the right fit for you, a ‘referral code’ can be sent which allows them to view your client record. The provider will review your identified needs and determine how they can assist. You then make the final decision on whether or not to engage their services.

Our nurses are familiar with the administration and management of a variety of medications, including tablets, capsules, pastilles or lozenges, oral liquids, wafers or melts, topical skin preparations, nasal drops or sprays, inhalants, eye and ear drops, and transdermal patches. Contact us today to get instant support.