Our very own Director, Alison McQueen, was recently featured on Hunter Headline! She spoke about her journey with Newcastle Hunter Community Health, her day-to-day life with the business, and what inspires her.
You can check out the full story online, or watch the video below.
Article Excerpt
- Tell us about the journey that lead you to start your own business?
Sure. I’ve had a number of years working with different organisations in the healthcare sector. I found that my skills were actually quite valuable and versatile across different areas of the healthcare sector. And I found that I could actually make a really valuable contribution to the outcomes of different industries, combined with a change in the focus to consumer-driven care.
So, recipients particularly receiving services at home in the aged and disability industry now have a real say about which provider they use and what services that provider does for them. So I thought it was a real opportunity for a new provider to enter the market.
Also in the Hunter region there is an ageing demographic, so this means there’s more people at home looking to have in-home services to support them to make that goals and the healthcare outcomes, so I thought all of this combined there was a real opportunity for a local provider into the market and to really harness on my passion for nursing and community care.
- Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur?
Not at all. I’ve always been a nurse and very much felt that I was just a nurse and didn’t think that that allowed me to have the knowledge and the skills to be a business person and an entrepreneur.
Obviously I’ve realised that I do, and there’s a real opportunity for me to combine my passion for nursing and my interest in business. So it’s a very exciting time.