As an experienced and reputable provider of quality care, Newcastle & Hunter Community Health welcomes the new Charter of Aged Care Rights as a reflection of the minimum standards at the core of all that we do.
Our committed, professional staff consider it a great privilege when our clients trust us with delivering their health care and support needs in the sanctuary of their own home.
In return, the team at NHCH are committed to delivering personalised service that promotes independence and wellbeing.
What is the new Charter of Aged Care Rights?
The Australian Government introduced the Charter of Aged Care Rights to make it easier for consumers, their families, carers and their representatives to understand what is expected from an aged care service.
The Charter focuses on 14 high-level consumer rights afforded to everyone, regardless of the type of care and services they receive.
Individuals have the right to:
- safe and high-quality care and services
- be treated with dignity and respect
- have their identity, culture and diversity valued and supported
- live without abuse and neglect
- be informed about their care and services in a way they understand
- access all information about themselves, including information about rights, care and services
- have control over and make choices about their care, and personal and social life, including where the choices involve personal risk
- have control over, and make decisions about, the personal aspects of their daily life, financial affairs and possessions
- their independence
- be listened to and understood
- have a person of their choice, including an aged care advocate, support them or speak on their behalf
- complain free from reprisal, and to have complaints dealt with fairly and promptly
- personal privacy and to have personal information protected
- exercise their rights without it adversely affecting the way they are treated
The Charter applies to consumers once they start receiving Australian Government funded aged care, including residential care, home care packages, flexible care, and services provided under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.
A Charter of Aged Care Rights booklet has been designed to provide an understanding of the new Charter.
The booklet informs aged care consumers of their rights and how to exercise them, and includes information about aged care consumer responsibilities.
The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has supported the Australian Government with raising awareness and educating about the new Charter of Aged Care Rights.
For more information about these activities please visit the OPAN website
Our commitment
The NHCH team is dedicated to delivering the best of care to ensure our clients are healthy, happy, comfortable, and content.
We consider our clients an extension of our own family. We give our commitment to delivering a superior standard of care that is driven by our comprehensive understanding of their individual needs and future plans.
Contact us
We welcome your enquiries and are happy to meet to discuss your individual circumstances.
Please contact us or phone on 4920 1637 to make an appointment.