NDIS Severe Dysphagia Management Support by NHCH

NHCH has trained staff and nurses to provide support to NDIS participants suffering from Severe Dysphagia and requiring help to eat and drink safely. Contact us today.


For further information on how Newcastle and Hunter Community Health can help you maintain independence and remain safely in your own home, call us today.

What is Severe Dysphagia Management Support and Who May Need It?

Dysphagia refers to difficulty swallowing. It’s a common problem in people with intellectual disabilities and can often lead to choking, chest infections, weight loss, and dehydration. If untreated, Dysphagia can turn into a significant health problem and even result in death.

Severe dysphagia is diagnosed and treated by a qualified health professional, typically a speech pathologist, who can also recommend a meal management plan to ensure safe and proper eating.

People with swallowing difficulties due to a disability may need Severe Dysphagia Management, which often includes a mealtime management plan. This plan outlines procedures for safe eating, including correct posture, methods for using special cutlery and adjusting food texture to reduce the risk of choking or aspiration. A speech pathologist can develop a tailored plan based on your individual needs.

What’s Covered Under the NDIS?

The NDIS recognizes severe dysphagia as a high-intensity support activity in the NDIS Practice Standards.

People who face problems eating, drinking, or swallowing due to their disabilities may be eligible for dysphagia support under the NDIS. This covers both items to assist with the participant’s condition and professional support with the management of severe dysphagia.

Items covered under the NDIS dysphagia support may include special cutlery and thickening agents. The scheme may also cover professional speech pathology services and expert assistance to create an appropriate mealtime management plan. The NDIS may also provide funding to hire trained support workers to help a participant eat and drink safely.

NDIS funding may cover:

  • Creation or reassessment of a mealtime management plan
  • Swallowing/speech therapy sessions
  • Training for support workers or assisting family members

How Can We Help?

As a registered NDIS provider, NHCH has trained support workers and nurses familiar with Severe Dysphagia Management and the ability to provide the support required, including help with eating and drinking.

Our team can actively supervise and provide support during mealtimes to ensure a safe eating experience. They will ensure you take meals according to your mealtime management plan, even when you’re travelling. They make sure that the plan is strictly followed and no changes are made without consultation with your speech pathologist.

Our staff is also trained to provide immediate emergency response in case of emergencies, such as choking. They record and report any difficulties, including choking incidents. Additionally, they record all observations related to your mealtime management plan and share any changes or concerns with your pathologist.


Expert Support

At NHCH, we specialise in delivering high-quality, tailored Dysphagia Management Support, provided by trained and kind carers.

Tailored Solutions

Our skilled staff have completed specialised training to support individuals with severe dysphagia, ensuring safe eating and drinking practices.


We work closely with you and your speech pathologist to develop a personalised meal management plan tailored to your needs.

Commitment to Safety

Our NDIS services are compliant with high-intensity support quality indicators, ensuring the best care for participants.

Track Record of Success

Our team comprises trained, compassionate workers committed to your safety and comfort at all times. Contact us today to take the first step towards a healthy and independent lifestyle.

Consumer directed care

The Regional Assessment Service will work with you to develop a personalised home support plan tailored directly to your needs. Assessors send a ‘referral for service’ to appropriate providers, such as Newcastle and Hunter Community Health, to let them know you are a new client and would like to engage their services. The provider will contact you to make further arrangements.

Alternatively, if you would like to visit or speak to a service provide to decide if they are the right fit for you, a ‘referral code’ can be sent which allows them to view your client record. The provider will review your identified needs and determine how they can assist. You then make the final decision on whether or not to engage their services.

In the event there are no services available at the time, you will be placed on a wait-list with those who have the highest level of need offered services first. Once your provider arrangements are in place, you will start receiving the assistance you need to ensure you maintain your independence.